Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How not to be President

After reading a colleagues work I discovered that I could not become the next president. I am a below middle class, black, woman and regretfully have done some stuff I’m not proud of. I’m pretty sure if I had $1.25 billion I could pay off some debt, clear my name, and run a presidential campaign. My colleague did a great job with having factual evidence and still maintaining a comic tone. She gives personal experience which shows character and style. Her ability to relate to the average “Jane” causes one to forget about social status and more about the cause. The statistics of the average US income being $50,000 is a slap in the average Joe’s face. If that was so called true then there shouldn’t be a 47% that Romney pointed out. I can at least say that I have had more than $1000 in my bank account, but that was including the school loans. That doesn’t count for anything seeing how I eventually have to pay that back. Majority of the Americans I know live from paycheck to paycheck; just hoping they can make it. If the government would give real hope to its citizens then in return I’m sure we would give back to it. The rhetorical question that is asked in her blog is a great writing tool for expressive writing. I enjoyed her blog and all the content that she had in it. It was influencing and persuasive all in one.

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