Friday, October 19, 2012


In Crooks and Liars, Karoli gave her views on Obamas speech in Virginia to the woman voters. She starts by giving kudos to Obama for his creative tactic to get the woman voters reeled in. The president led to believe Romney is sick and the disease is Romnesia. Since most of us have dealt with women we all know that women tend to put a name on everything. Examples: pet names for her significant other. This suggests that our president knew what he was doing. He appealed to our feminine side whereas just talking politics and not relating to us as a gender. Obama then goes on to tell what the symptoms are for Romensia, "If you say you’ll protect a woman’s right to choose, but you stand up at a primary debateand said that you’d be “delighted” to sign a law outlawing that right to choosein all cases– man, you’ve definitely got Romnesia.
           This was a promising blow to Romney showing Obamas versatile attacks. Karoli if being a male or female, didn't say much about the speech. For one to be a accurate writer you have to be able to engage your audience with your own work. Obama has been doing this for a long time and knows the ends and outs on how to please and how to appeal. His slogan four years ago proves that, Change! It would have been nice to hear something original from the writer and not just a two bit summary of what we already heard. He/she instead stood back and let it talk for itself, proving to be as he/she summarized Perfect Pitch!

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