Thursday, September 20, 2012


I was reading the uproar new news on Chick-fil-A and their retraction on their policy. On August 1, 2012 the fast food chain held an Appreciation Day towards people against same-sex-marriages, and homosexuals. This no doubtingly set a new sales record which the company was excited about; not realizing the Northern states would affect them later. They were sound in their beliefs holding true to their biblical beliefs against same-sex marriages. In 2010, they also gave nearly 2 million dollars to anti-gay groups, which is another reason why they are battling their new statement. The community of homosexuals and those who are an advocate for them were extremely upset, that a place to get food was also a condescending establishment against the Nation's rights. Knowing that Chick-fil-A publicized their views problem cost them more money than they thought. They decided to "cave in" and say they will no longer be giving money to anti-gay groups and not engage in social/political disputes over it. Understanding how the world works right now he definitely knew he had to change his views and add that Chick-fil-A goals are "to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect รข?? regardless of theirbelief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender". What they have decided to do is not a heart-felt change but something to advertise to the gay community that their money is acceptable no matter what he (President of C, F, A Dan Cathy) feels. I understand their reasoning but that cost them more money by retracting their statement forcing Christians to feel like they cant ever win a civil battle.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Truth behind the Matter

The presidential election this year is the talk of the new age. Many people are referring to it as the Carter vs. Reagan election. Seeing how Carter was blamed for the inflation, gas pricing and unemployment. Obama was blamed for gas pricing and more, but it seems to me that every president is blamed for something they cant really control. Romney isn't promising to bring down the gas prices but says Obama is the cause for not making America use the energy we have. How can many problems created and escalated down through the years be one mans downfall? If we really want to point the finger of blame lets talk about Bush's term. Misleading the American People and Members of Congress to Believe Iraq Possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, to Manufacture a False Case for War. There's even a petition going forth to convict Bush and Cheney, if that is truly the case lets try to convict every president that's ever held an office and convict all of them. The world's failing era is to know surprise if you want to bring religion in it you can say former scholastics prophesied these things. Now to ones who believe that Romney is going to be our new president you have to look at all aspects and compare should America really be fighting each other over simple stuff, or come together and help the Nation while there's still a chance.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

This is Politics...

       Politician's all have the same traits, pointing fingers. Barack implied that Romney uses schemes into not paying taxes. In the June 14th address in Cleveland, Barack stated that Bush's tax rate cuts caused the recession we are in. In Bush's tax cut it created almost 8 million new jobs in America. Implementing a system that lasted and doubled over the next three years he was in office. The recession did however come into play when he decided to use a weak dollar affect that was suppose to advance the economies growth. However, it not only failed but failed at a time when a new president was suppose to come behind him and pick up his mantel.
       If perhaps Romney was to be elected as president there would be a substantial amount of slack he would have to pick up from his predecessor, as Barack did. Evidence shows that we do not know all that is or would come behind this but further disintegration of America. We are headed in a downward spiral of blame.Yet choosing to wait around promoting whose better than who and who can do better than whom. This video below bests demonstrates how Romney and Barack are towards each other and how America has been for some time now.