Sunday, September 2, 2012

This is Politics...

       Politician's all have the same traits, pointing fingers. Barack implied that Romney uses schemes into not paying taxes. In the June 14th address in Cleveland, Barack stated that Bush's tax rate cuts caused the recession we are in. In Bush's tax cut it created almost 8 million new jobs in America. Implementing a system that lasted and doubled over the next three years he was in office. The recession did however come into play when he decided to use a weak dollar affect that was suppose to advance the economies growth. However, it not only failed but failed at a time when a new president was suppose to come behind him and pick up his mantel.
       If perhaps Romney was to be elected as president there would be a substantial amount of slack he would have to pick up from his predecessor, as Barack did. Evidence shows that we do not know all that is or would come behind this but further disintegration of America. We are headed in a downward spiral of blame.Yet choosing to wait around promoting whose better than who and who can do better than whom. This video below bests demonstrates how Romney and Barack are towards each other and how America has been for some time now.

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