Thursday, September 20, 2012


I was reading the uproar new news on Chick-fil-A and their retraction on their policy. On August 1, 2012 the fast food chain held an Appreciation Day towards people against same-sex-marriages, and homosexuals. This no doubtingly set a new sales record which the company was excited about; not realizing the Northern states would affect them later. They were sound in their beliefs holding true to their biblical beliefs against same-sex marriages. In 2010, they also gave nearly 2 million dollars to anti-gay groups, which is another reason why they are battling their new statement. The community of homosexuals and those who are an advocate for them were extremely upset, that a place to get food was also a condescending establishment against the Nation's rights. Knowing that Chick-fil-A publicized their views problem cost them more money than they thought. They decided to "cave in" and say they will no longer be giving money to anti-gay groups and not engage in social/political disputes over it. Understanding how the world works right now he definitely knew he had to change his views and add that Chick-fil-A goals are "to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect รข?? regardless of theirbelief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender". What they have decided to do is not a heart-felt change but something to advertise to the gay community that their money is acceptable no matter what he (President of C, F, A Dan Cathy) feels. I understand their reasoning but that cost them more money by retracting their statement forcing Christians to feel like they cant ever win a civil battle.

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