Thursday, December 6, 2012

GOP losing its control

After reading Leticia Adam’s blog, “Post Election Thoughts From an Tiny Bit of the Latino Vote” it became clear that they’re real issues going on outside of our own lives. Most people thinking of social barriers as if there were only two colors to be discussed, white and black. The problem is that the majority overlooks the discrimination of all other races as well as ageism. I agree with what Adam’s said about the GOP and how they viewed the Latino’s. To be depicted as something lesser than what you think of yourself is one of the main causes to racism. Most people I know talk about Caucasian’s as if they were as dumb as a crack head. All of that talk stems off of jealousy, envy and anger that has been delivered to us a whole. When the government of anyone decides to talk down on its citizens, they should be prepared for the consequences that the word of mouth has to offer.

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